· 2 min read

Running snapshots - Aug 2022

A Decorative Image

One day in May, I was returning home from work when I saw a poster for the Seoul Marathon 2022. The event had come and gone, and I had been unaware of it.

Seoul Marathon 2022
Seoul Marathon 2022

I started running some time in June this year. I’ve made it a tradition to take a shot of whatever is in front of me when I finish my runs. I don’t think any of these shots are “special” in a visual way. But it’s fun to take a look anyway and reflect on some of them.

I am usually not an early riser, so a lot of my runs happen at night. I am able to unwind after the day’s work.

June 5th
June 5th

The brown fence on the right belongs to a school. The kids in the above shot are probably going back home after extra tuition - probably from a hagwon. Very few kids in Korea get to play after school hours - most go for more classes and tuitions.

June 6th
June 6th

My usual route is a 3.75 KM round trip from my house along this road. This particular lane is spectacular in fall, when the leaves are yellow and red. The yellow tactile paving is ubiquitous in Korea.

June 10th
June 10th

A market on my way home. Korean store fronts have plenty of neon, but the moon on this night was bright enough to shine despite all that.

July 8th
July 8th

This is a biking track 10 mins away from my house. On the right is an inline skating track, which I’ve used for interval runs.

July 17th
July 17th

I love running by the Han River. On the hottest of days there’s a gentle breeze.

July 21st
July 21st

If I run before the sun goes down, I get to see birds by the river. The two birds on the right look like Black Tailed Gulls .

Black Tailed Gulls are the offical mascot of Dokdo, the disputed islands between Korea and Japan.

July 29th
July 29th

On the right is a short track for running, beside a soccer field, which is beside floodlit tennis courts.

August 3rd
August 3rd

The World Cup Bridge lights up at night. There’s a lot of light and color at night in Seoul, and I love it.